Map of the islands of Cabo Verde

What are the islands of Cabo Verde? How far are they from each other? How can you travel from one island to another? We will try to answer briefly in this short article. Cabo Verde is made of ten islands (all of which expcept for Santa Luzia are inhabited) and five islets (uninhabited), with a … Continue reading Map of the islands of Cabo Verde

Accommodation in Cabo Verde

Cabo Verde doesn’t have that many places for accommodation, especially when it comes for decent quality places in reasonable places. There are three places we personally recommend, and which we will briefly describe below. We also invite you to read our articles on the weather of Cape Verde, the attractions of Cape Verde and what … Continue reading Accommodation in Cabo Verde

Cabo Verde – weather, climate and geography

Cabo Verde is an island country located in the central Atlantic Ocean. It is an archipelago made of ten main volcanic islands, though half of the country’s population lives on the largest of them – Santiago. Cabo Verde is populated by Portuguese-speaking people of West African origin, mostly Senegalese. It gained independence from Portugal in … Continue reading Cabo Verde – weather, climate and geography